Thursday, June 2, 2016

Self Help: "Life is a complex mystery that can be solved on...

Self Help: "Life is a complex mystery that can be solved on...:                           When your mind goes out of control!!!!!!!!                                 This is the topic for today. "...

Saturday, March 26, 2016

"Life is a complex mystery that can be solved only by a simplified mind!"

                         When your mind goes out of control!!!!!!!!

                                This is the topic for today.

"Life is a complex mystery that can be  solved  only by a simplified mind!"

We will deal with this situation .  How to deal with our mind. Our mind is like a monkey hopping from one tree to the other. It keeps on jumping and it takes pleasure in doing so , till it gets tired. Similarly our mind also jumps from one thought to the other till it gets tired. We are not even aware of this until we experience pain in some form or other physically. We feel frustrated, irritated and get angry with every other person we come in contact with.

Do we want such situation to continue for ever? Whole of our  life  would pass away like this . In this process we also accumulate  lot of dirts in our mind which is already polluted and overflowing with anger, jealousy, passion, lust and what not?..

                                           Want a SOLUTION 
                                         Lets make it interesting...

Just start observing your breath...the incoming breath ...the outgoing breath..because the root for the mind and the breath are the same. If you start observing your breath, a tool which is a part of your own self , you will soon realise how the  mind is wavering and hopping like a monkey from one thought to the other. It goes like a chain reaction from one to the other.....

We all know that we have endless sufferings in our life and we are helpless not finding a solution to our problems.. but i am going to tell you something very interesting and a simple way to come out of all our problems. If only we do it carefully and sincerely we can achieve the result...

So today is the first lesson... just start observing the breath ..the incoming and the outgoing....the touch of the breath inside the nostrils , in the outer rings of your nose and in the moustache area above the upper lip. Continuously do it as much as possible. If your mind has wandered away guilt feeling. At least you are aware now "yes my mind has wandered away"... Continue again without feeling dejected or frustrated. At the end of the day you would have ended up staying continuously for a minute at least...

Lets see the result and wait for next lesson...